Digital in the territory


Progress in digital technologies, combined with other DIGITAL IN THE TERRITORY essential enabling technologies are changing the way we design, produce and market the products and services connected to them, and use them to generate value.


Advances in technologies such as the Internet of Things, 5G communications, cloud computing, data analysis and robotics are transforming products, processes and business models in all sectors, ultimately creating new industry standards that accompany changing global value chains.


A digital innovation ecosystem thus allows the provision of services, facilities and knowledge from a wide spectrum of partners and ensures that an individual or collective customer receives the digital services they are looking for, ensuring that the market segment can access the innovation created there and the scalable industrial solutions.


This transformation is strategic within the European Union and a key element for the digitization of Industry. It is an intervention that mobilizes the economy, and also an intervention in terms of social innovation.


This ecosystem aims to offer integrated digital services that develop SMEs, as well as the region where they integrate with a focus on innovation, namely in SME access to:

  • Technical skills;
  • Infrastructure for development and testing;
  • HR training.


Atlantic Grids, in conjunction with City Councils, Education Institutions and Business Associations, is focused on supporting the development of the territory, and is currently implementing this type of solutions in regions within the national territory.


Collective Intelligence Design

Circular Economy

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