Financial multilaterals are International Financial Institutions (IFIs) that promote economic and social development and poverty reduction in developing countries.
The Financial Institutions of which Portugal is a member (World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Andean Development Corporation and the European Investment Bank) move a supply on a global scale exceeding $ 100 billion per year.
The multilateral financial market thus presents enormous potential with regard to business, investment and international partnerships opportunities for Portuguese companies that intend to internationalize in developing countries.
After identifying the priority markets with the greatest potential, Atlantic Grids will assist Portuguese companies in applying for international public tenders with these financial institutions.
On the other hand, using the various external technical consultants with whom it has already established a partnership, Atlantic Grids will compete for consultancy projects with these international financial institutions (IFI) in areas that may range from urbanism and transport to water and waste, through the environment, agriculture and education.
Subsequently, the work carried out by these consultants will make it possible to better position companies for their respective tenders with national companies.